Sunday, November 5, 2017

New Slovenian website

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New Slovenian website with interesting articles about nationalist ideas, history etc....

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

White Knuckle Interview

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1) Hello. Can you introduce your band White Knuckle, band members and the bands history? 

Hello yourself! White Knuckle revolves around me as the key song writer/ vocalist, however several other friends are involved. Special credit has to go to A Wyatt Mann cartoons for lyrical influence (I basically ripped off the pictures haha).

2) You have released DEMO 2016. Does it come only in digital form? Do you have any other releases or just that one? 

There is a special edition tape cassette as well but for the time being only these mediums unfortunately.

3) What was the inspiration for the demo? What are the main topics in your lyrics? 

I basically wanted to do songs that are highly aggressive and highly racist with no middle ground or concessions. I have done other projects that have nationalist or 14/88 themes but are much more censored, this demo was kind of a reaction to this self censorship and a venting of the frustrations of living in what is basically a zog police state with no free speech. The song lyrics are pretty self explanatory, if you are white then WAKE THE FUCK UP if you are brown then fuck off back home. However there isn't really any deep 'message' it's just for NS folk to get pumped up or have a laugh and for marxists and kikes to be afraid!

4) Can we expect new releases? 

Hopefully but work commitments and things like this get in the way unfortunately. But there has been talks to do a more lengthy release that will include the songs off the demo.

5) Have you played any gigs and do you plan to have some gigs in the future? 

Kinda the same as above but who knows, it would be great to do this live.

6) Do you have any new English RAC bands you would recommend to us? 

In terms of RAC stuff I'm pretty out of the loop, there is Pressure 28 though but I think their singer has just been locked up. Personally I listen to the old school British stuff, Skrewdriver, Skullhead and Vengeance are my favourites. Also it is interesting to note that many nationalists are making 'fashwave' basically synthesizer music that is kind of retro, it's great in my opinion, the more genres we take over the better.

7) Can you give us a brief description off the movement in the UK? Any organizations you support? 

National Action was the fastest growing and got the most headlines and was most pro-active. I say was because at the time of writing this the government has just made them illegal. I basically support any group that is trying to stop the destruction of white people and their homelands. I cannot stand infighting, bitchiness or petty rivalry, we all know what needs to be done and whether you are a 7ft skinhead or a pasty computer nerd hacker we all have a role in fighting zog and making Europe great again.

8) I cant help but to notice UK is full of non-whites. Do you have them a lot in the place you live? Any problems with them? Do they cause trouble? 

Where I live yes, but you could say that for pretty much any city in England. Recently it has come out that the pakis in pretty much all English town drug and rape white girls and they are still getting away with this. There was a massive protest in Rotherham and a lot have people have woken up to this. In my town there is the usual problems of drugs/ rape and generally making it an unpleasant place to live. There is a lot of this sort of stuff in but more leaning towards copying the zog hollow celebrity bullshit lifestyle that people consume on TV and in music. If you put on the radio in this country pretty much every song will be some sort of 'minstrel show' bullshit. But I am not too worried about this stuff only sheep consume this crap they are brainless and mean nothing in the bigger picture. I think the idea that it is 'cool' to push drugs do crime and act like a worthless fucking 'wigger' has taken root with some young white men in this country but this won't happen for much longer hopefully as we are the counter culture right now, the best way to rebel if you are young is to fight for your race and nation!

9) Where do you see your band in the future? 

Hopefully doing some more substantial releases and inspiring other nationalists to make great music also.

10) Well thank you for the interview! Always good to see new bands! Any last words to the readers? 

Thank you for getting in touch your website is great and sorry for taking so long! My final words would be live your life knowing that your ancestors are watching over you, never take any shit from any body about your culture, traditions, pride in your race and for fighting for what is right. And remember everyday even small actions make a difference, so next time a white guy you know starts talking bullshit about how white people are evil or what the latest degenerate porn he is watching is, call him up on it and show him the light. Always hold your head up high and know that we are fighting for what is right and that one day we will win!

Monday, November 28, 2016

White Eagle Streetwear

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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Slavic Force Radio

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ISD Memorial Gig - Serbia

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In Serbia was held ISD Memorial Gig, and 5 bands played.

  1. Iz Revolta (Serbia)
  2. Kristalna Noc (Serbia)
  3. Sorab 28 (Serbia)
  4. Katastrof (Italy)
  5. Terror 88 (Serbia)

Iz Revolta 
Kristalna Noc
Sorab 28
Terror 88

Read more at 28Serbia!

Gig in Serbia

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More info soon..

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Pogrom interview

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Pogrom - Poland

1) Hello. Can you introduce your band, its history, where are you from and band members to us?

Hail! We came from south-east Poland. Band was created few years ago in 2009. For all these years members have been changed. Presently, we have 4 members in band. We study, work and try to survive every next day... 

2)Your band is relatively new? Did you publish any albums or demos? 

Unfortunately, we have not yet released our official LP. We recorded only 3 tracks and we shared this on our official channel in Jewtube. These 3 songs are to be released on a compilation with some Black Metal band from our region but we don't know when it will happen.

3)You said this is your first interview, did you have any concerts or small gigs? Any new releases or gigs in near future? 

Yes, it's our first interview. In 2010 we played 2 gigs with polish bands: Agressiva88, Nordica, and Tormentia. Not long after these 2 concerts system began to attack and later I had problems to found new members, but presently everything is OK. As for the new releases, we still have 10 tracks which we wanna record. Constantly, we get offer to play some gigs but it's not easy when you have work abroad your country.

4)Does anyone of you play in some other bands? 

Only our drummer plays in another band, but they don't suppor our movement.

5)What bands do you listen, and where do you get the inspiration from? 

Everybody from us is listening other musicial genres. From punk, rock to folk and metal. Popular bands like In FLames, Rammstein, Judas Priest, Skamold and many mores... As for RAC we don't listen so often because we don't wanna duplicate what others bands play but we want to introduce our ideas. Of course we like and sometimes listen bands like Gammadion, Sturmwehr, Frakass or Kamaeditzca. Inspiration for us is legendary polish band Honor.

6)Does Pogrom as a band support any NS organizations? 

No member of our band doesn't work in some organization but some from them we support. We have many friends among polish organisation like NS Zadruga, Niklot, Creativity Movement Poland. Also we support musicial organisation Resistance in blood/ Opór we krwi.

7) What is your opinion on the NS movement in Europe? 

Situation in Europe is dramatic. European Union together with all these bolshevik motherfuckers disguised as a democrat, liberal and capitalist led to a situation where robberies, rape and terrorist attack are as a normal day in Western Europe. In many cities people are afraid because even police can't do it anything. They can't protect own citizens from these invaders called refugees. In the order of the day are intimidation of white europeans by marxist media or "doctors from Syria". It is a consolation that in Poland and all East Europe standard of living it's not too encouraging for them, so that's why still we don't have problem with these goatfuckers. It's question of timing when it will be happen in our region. Temper of the Europeans increasingly radicalized. People have enough strangers who destroying their home. In my opinion european NS movement should be concentrate on this problem rather than bullshit beliefs in national-chauvinism. World War II ended more than 70 years ago. Hatred to others white nations we don't change anything. We should together working for mother Europe.

8)Thank you for this interview, do you have something you wish to say to the readers? 

Thanks for this interview. We hope that soon we will release our first album and we will be able to present it. See you all someday on gigs. Stand and fight for White Europe. 14!